IMS- Micro/Nano Fabrication Facility
Processing (Older)

Oxidizers Provided

Hydrogen Peroxide - H2O2

 Hydrogen Peroxide
          Strong oxidizer

 Chemical Properties
  • Colorless, viscous liquid
  • Water soluble
  • Boiling Point: 108C

Other Oxidizers

Copper Etch APS - 100

 Copper Etch APS - 100

 Etchant for copper and copper films

 Chemical Properties
  • Clear, volatile
  • Compatible with many photoresits
  • Straight wall etch
  • Boiling Point: 212C

Gold Etchant GE-8111

 Gold Etchant GE-8111

Etchant for thin films of gold

 Chemical Properties
  • Potassium iodide and iodine based
  • Compatible with both positive and negative photoresist materials
  • Dark brown liquid

Gold Etchant Type TFA

 Gold Etchant Type TFA

Etchant for thin films of gold to form precise electrodes and resistor patterns in thin films prepared on alumina substrates

 Chemical Properties
  • Compatible with both positive and negative photoresist materials
  • Red brown liquid
  • Iodine based