IMS- Micro/Nano Fabrication Facility
Processing (Older)
Plasma Etching


NOTE: Argon is used for removing oxidation layers. Oxygen is used for organic films.

Running Clean Process (Total time: ~9 mins, Process time: 6 min)

Operating Instructions

  1. Open door and make sure electrodes (2) and shelf (1) are in place and secure.
  2. Place parts to be cleaned on shelf (do not place on electrodes! see Fig. 1)
  4. Close and latch door.
  5. Make sure Lark Sequencer screen displays SEQ 6 and press RESET button.
  6. Set thumbwheel to 1 for Ar or 2 for O2 clean and press START.
    1. 1st stage: program monitors vacuum gauge for a minimum pressure of 100 Torr. (~45 secs)
    2. 2nd stage: program monitors respective gas flow (Ar or O2) on flow gauge. Make sure the gauge reads between 1.5-2.0 CFM. The vacuum will continue to pump down to at least 1 Torr or else the system will halt. (~1:15 secs.)
    3. 3rd stage: Monitor all led indicators on RF Generator. The left hand column of indicators should be on. Do NOT rely on the Plasma indicator to justify a successful plasma. Should the RF Generator's ARC or OVER-TEMP indicators trigger, adjust the Tap Setting on the transformer (black box with rotary switch) to a higher or lower number, error indicators should go off once the proper tap setting is achieved. (actual process time: 6 minutes)
  7. Listen for a click when the 3rd stage is complete. Allow chamber to backfill to atmosphere. When program is complete a yellow light will flash. Press RESET, open door, and retrieve your finished samples.
  8. In the case that the purge/backfill step does not complete, set thumbwheel to 4 and press START . Wait for the yellow light to flash and retrieve your samples.

In the case that the lark sequencer goes into HALT mode (on display) press PRG/RUN/HALT . Make sure RF generator does not arc nor over-heat . If the system halts once again, press RESET , turn thumbwheel to 4, press START , wait for yellow light to flash and retrieve your samples. Notify cleanroom technical staff of any problems.

For additional information, please contact the designated trainer(s).