IMS- Micro/Nano Fabrication Facility
Processing (Older)

Photoresists Provided

Microposit S1813

 Microposit s1813
          Positive photoresist that is optimized for g-line exposure and is effective for broad-band exposure.

 Chemical Properties
  • Viscous
  • Flammable
  • Neutral pH
  • Boiling Point: 145.8/295C
  • Stable under normal conditions
  • Avoid high temperatures and static discharge
  • Incompatible with oxidizing agents

Microposit SC1827

 Microposit s1827
          Positive photoresist that is optimized for g-line exposure and is effective for broad-band exposure.

 Chemical Properties
  • Viscous
  • Flammable
  • Neutral pH
  • Boiling Point: 145.8/295C
  • Stable under normal conditions
  • Avoid high temperatures and static discharge
  • Incompatible with oxidizing agents

Megaposit SPR220-7.0

 Megaposit SPR220 - 7.0
          General purpose, multi-wavelength resist designed to cover a wide range of film thicknesses (1-30 um) with a single coat process. 

 Chemical Properties
  • Excellent adhesion and plating characteristics
  • Ideal for MEMs and bump processes
  • Broadband, g-line and i-line capable
  • >10 um film thickness in a sinngle coat with good uniformity
  • Au, Cu, Ni/Fe plating without cracking
  • Recommended to use HMDS for adhesion to some substrates

Futurrex NR9-1500py

 Futurrex NR9-1500py
          Negative photoresist designed for 365 nm wavelength exposure. It shows negative sloping sidewall profiles and allows for simple resist lift off process.

 Chemical Properties
  • Single layer lift off process to pattern metals and dielectrics without RIE
  • Sensitivity to wavelengths shorter than 380 nm
  • Superior resolution capability
  • Fast develop time
  • Temperature resistance of up to 100C

Futurrex NR71-3000p

 Futurrex NR71-3000py
          Negative photoresist designed for 365 nm wavelength exposure. It shows negative sloping sidewall profiles and allows for simple resist lift off process.

 Chemical Properties
  • Straight resist sidewall profile
  • Fast develop time
  • Superior resolution capability
  • Temperature resistance of up to 180C
  • Superior selectivity in RIE process
  • Does not require HMDS

Other Photoresists

SU8 100 Series

 SU8 100 Series
          High contrast, epoxy based photoresist

 Chemical Properties
  • Very high optical transparency above 360 nm
  • Ideal for imaging vertical sidewalls 

SU8 2000 Series

 SU-8 2000 Series
          High contrast, epoxy based photoresist

 Chemical Properties
  • Thick, chemically and thermally stable
  • Very high optical trannsmission above 360 nm
  • Ideal for imaging 

AZ P4000 Series


AZ p4620

The AZ P4000 positive resist series with its members AZ P4110, AZ P4330, AZ P4620 and AZ P4903 have two main characteristics:

  • An improved adhesion to all common substrates for a higher stability for e. g. wet etching or plating
  • A lower photo active compound concentration which allows the application of thick and very thick resist films (approx. 3 - 30 µm) 


Other characteristics:

AZ P4110

  • Resist film thickness range: Approx. 2 - 5 µm
  • Sales units: gallons (small sales volumes such as 250 ml, 500 ml or 1000 ml on request)


AZ P4330

  • Resist film thickness range: Approx. 3 - 8 µm
  • Sales units: gallons (small sales volumes such as 250 ml, 500 ml or 1000 ml on request)


AZ P4620

  • Resist fim thickness range: Approx. 6 - 20 µm
  • Sales units: 250 ml, 500 ml or 1000 ml, gallons (3.78 L)


AZ P4903

  • Resist film thickness range: Approx. 8 - 30 µm
  • Sales units: gallons (small sales volumes such as 250 ml, 500 ml or 1000 ml on request)



AZ® 400K 1 : 4 or AZ® 826 MIF recommended