IMS- Micro/Nano Fabrication Facility
8.1 General Safety Rules

General Safety Rules

  • No running in cleanroom
  • No cutting corners in the cleanroom  
  • Wear cleanroom gown properly
  • Use full PPE when using chemicals 
  • No hands in sink  

Chemical Common Sense

  • DO NOT leave chemical bottles on the floor
  • Read the SDS of any chemical you are going to use
  • Make sure the chemicals you are working with are compatible with each other
  • Make sure the labware you are using is compatible with the chemical you are using

If you are ever confused about something, ask staff

Things You Should Know

  • How Chemicals Can Hurt You:
    • Quickly review the presentation that was given by clean room staff and understand how harmful many of the chemicals are in the clean room.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
    • All PPE should be put on over the standard clean room garments.
  • Testing the Fume Hood
  • Acid/Base and Solvent Storage
  • How to Pour Chemicals
  • How to Dispose of Chemicals
  • Cleaning Up (General)
  • Cleaning Up (Chemical Spill)
  • Misc. Information

***It is your responsibility to know all the rules in the cleanroom. The rules and regulations of the cleanroom can be found here: Ignorance of these rules is not an excuse for violating them.


Contact Information
Hang Chen, Ph.D.
Process Support Manager
The Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology at Georgia Tech
345 Ferst Drive, Atlanta GA, 30332 | 1152
404.894.3360 |