IMS- Micro/Nano Fabrication Facility
IMS Micro-Fabrication Short Courses


The Institute for Matter and Systems (IMS) at Georgia Tech will offer a short course on micro-fabrication twice a year. This in­tensive 3 day short course combines classroom lectures and laboratory based hands-on fabrication in the IMS cleanroom. The goal of the course is to impart a basic understanding of the science and technology of micro-fabrication processes as used in academia and industry. 

This short course will cover essential micro-fabrication techniques including, photolithography, thin film deposition, etching, packaging, and characterization. Attendees will gain valuable experience by fabricating simple devices in one of the most advanced uni­versity cleanrooms in North America

Target Audience

Attendance is open to the general technical community and is not limited to current Georgia Tech students or IMS users. Anyone who wants to learn more about micro/nano fabrication is strongly encouraged to attend this course. The course is suitable for entry-level and experienced researchers interested in micro/nano fabrication techniques and applications.

A course emphasis will be placed on cleanroom resources (etching, lithography, thin film, metrology, and packaging), however, the concepts and techniques discussed are applicable to a broader array of of micro/nano research.

Rates: *Rates include lunches on all days*

Georgia Tech Rate: $200
Academic and Government Rate: $400
Industry Rate: $800 


Due to the nature of the lab portion of the course, registration has a maximum of 30 participantsYour registration is not guaranteed until full payment is received. If the course is charged to an IMS Cleanroom account, we will notify the PI or accounts representative. Credit cards are the only payment option for people outside Georgia Tech. Once you submit your registration, follow the appropriate links in your confirmation email. A waiting list of overflow registrants will be maintained in case of cancellations.



Getting to the workshop is easy if you stay at the Georgia Tech Conference Center 

Georgia Tech Hotel (attached to Global Learning Center)
800 Spring St., Atlanta, GA 30308
404.838.2100 - Reservations
404.347.9440 - Hotel Main

Hotel reservation hours are Monday through Friday 8am-5:30pm; Saturday 9am-3pm


Directions and Parking:

Parking is not included in the cost of the course. If you are a visitor and you would like to park on campus you will need to use the pay-by-the hour visitor parking lot, located across from the Marcus Nanotechnology Building. We are also easily reached via public transportation and Georgia Tech transportation services. Information on these services, and directions to Georgia Tech and IMS, can be found here: 



Schedule Overview:

Day1: Registration, Introduction, Lectures, Group Lab Session (8:30 am - 4:30 pm)

Day2: Lectures (morning); Group Lab Session (afternoon) (8:30 am - 4:30 pm)

Day 3: Lectures (morning); Group Lab Session (afternoon) (8:30 am - 4:30 pm)

Day 4: Lectures (morning); Lunch & Farewell (afternoon) (8:30 am - 1:00 pm)

Dress Code: 

There is a mandatory dress code for access to the IEN clean room which must be adhered to. 

Shoes: Socks or stockings are required. Shoes must be closed-toe shoes that fully enclose the heel and the top of the foot. Additionally, the shoes must not have a high heel (over one inch) or a deep cleat that may hold mud or other dirt. Also, your shoes must be clean and dry when you enter the facility. 
Not Allowed: Sandals, open weave shoes, or shoes that expose the top of the foot.    

Shirt: Your shirt must be at least a short sleeve shirt that is long enough to reach your pants (no bare midriffs) and it must not have a deep neckline. 
Not Allowed: Tank tops, halter tops, and spaghetti strap tops.   

Pants: Pants must be full-length, from waist to ankle.
Not Allowed: Shorts or short pants, tight pants. NO skirts or dresses.

Related Media
Contact Information
Hang Chen, Ph. D
Research Scientist II
IEN Process Support Manager

Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology (IEN)
Georgia Institute of Technology
404-894-3360 (Office)