IMS - Biocleanroom
Printing & Fabrication

The Fabrication Bays are one of primary components of the Georgia Tech Biocleanroom. Both fabrication bays house UV filter light fixtures in addition to lithography, direct writing, and printing tools. 

The direct writing and printing techniques are enabled by computer-controlled two- and three-dimensional pattern formation in a serial fashion. Comparing to other patterning approaches including lithography, and stamping methods, direct write or print based fabrication does not require masks or preexisting patterns, offers versatility to modify fabrication configurations rapidly for proof-of-concept studies and design optimization.  In addition, the precise  control  of  material  properties with  high  resolution deposition enable structures that are either impossible or impractical  to  make  with  traditional  techniques.

Direct Printing Technologies

Jetlab II Ink Jet Printer                                            Bioforce Nano Enabler                            PiXDRO LP50 



Direct-write Technologies



Digital Light Procession Technologies

                                                                                                           BMF S140


Through the use of its 405 nm Digital Light Processing system (DLP) large or multiple structures can be printed simultaneously. The S140 has a large build plate and a deep resin vat that make the total print volume 94 mm x 52 mm x 45 mm. These factors make the printer much faster when compared to laser writing systems while still retaining high precision.

While the printer excels at large prints, the S140 can also be used to print small delicate features. The S140 has a 50um resolution in the XY and a 10um (40um max) resolution in the Z. The S140 software allows the user to change layer heights during a print. For example you can start will a 1 mm base with a 40um layer height, then switch to a 10um layer height when your feature is about to print. This makes the system ideal for microfluidic molds, micro needles and rapid prototyping. 


Soft Lithography 

The Organic Cleanroom houses the Soft lithography Bay. This bay contains equipment specifically designed equipment for Soft Lithography fabrication. Soft lithography is a complementary extension of photolithography and is based on rapid prototyping using negative photoresist SU-8, and on replica molding of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) onto the SU-8 film patterned by UV lithography. Due to its unique advantages such as low cost, compatible with large or non-planar surfaces, bio-compatible, etc., it has found its application in many area such as micro-and nanoscale patterning, nano functional devices (OLED, optical transducer, optical waveguide, etc.), and especially in biological researches.

                                                                                                      MJB4 Mask Aligner              


Contact Information
Nikolas Roeske - Biocleanroom Process Engineer
The Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology at Georgia Tech
345 Ferst Drive, Atlanta GA, 30332
404.273.8674 |